Virginia is a "Snowbird", meaning that she lives on the Big Island part of the year (usually from November to May or thereabouts) and on the US mainland the rest of the year.  Her mainland home is in Billings, Montana.

Virginia was one of the first two students who started with me when I first opened my studio.  She was a prolific painter.  She is an accomplished portrait artist and paints in both watercolor and oils.  She wants to come back to class but her busy life has precluded this happening for several years.

Click on the thumbnail or title to enlarge the painted piece.


Butterfly Box

This box is about 5 inches in diameter.  Virginia used blue luster and Liquid Bright Gold for the rim on the box lid.  The bottom sides of the box are painted with halo lusters.  The butterflies are painted with regular china paint.

Plumeria Fudge Plate

This is the first project that Virgina painted in class.  Generally, when my beginning students paint the plumerias on the fudge plate, they do them using Pompadour Red.  But Virginia decided that she would rather paint the yellow and white plumerias.  This was a little more daunting than the red variety.  I think she did a great job on the painting.

Small Freeform Ornaments

Virginia painted several of these Freeform Ornaments.  I get these ornaments from Jean Beebe.  No two are alike.  If you click on the thumbnail picture above or the title below the thumbnail, it will take you to a page displaying larger photos of some of these ornaments that Virginia has painted.